The reptilian third eye on Zurdo’s forehead had been shut since birth. Frankly, Zurdo was unconvinced that it wasn’t just a stubborn wrinkle. It was 69.69, the year foretold by lip readers as the year of great inter-penetration. Zurdo didn’t know what that meant, and, truth be told, Zurdo didn’t like how it sounded.
The readings of the highest-rated lip readers were widely shared and received as cosmic divination. Unfortunately, Zurdo was a bad lip reader. Even so, Zurdo believed that if ze could read the lips of the right film, ze might finally recover the unrecoverable knowledges of zir ancestors and open zir long-dormant optic for good. Ze had heard rumors of a lost vid called “The White to Be Angry,” and now, ze had a name–– Vaginal Creme Davis. Equipped with these clues, Zurdo set off in search of the not yet foreseen…
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Nat Pyper is an alphabet artist. They make fonts, write science fiction, create wearables for videos and performances, and research radical queer publishing histories. Their work has been shown at Chicago Artists Coalition, Chuquimarca Projects, Gene Siskel Film Center, and RUSCHWOMAN in Chicago, Printed Matter in New York City, and Vox Populi in Philadelphia. Their writing has been published by, Draw Down Books, GenderFail, Inga Books, Library Stack, Martian Press, and the Walker Art Center. They received their MFA from the Yale School of Art and are currently a 2021-22 HATCH Artist Resident at the Chicago Artists Coalition.